Final Guest Updates for 2021

Wrapping up our major guest list for 2021 are Clem So and Terry Molloy!

Clem So has been featured in countless blockbuster films as well as various roles in Doctor Who episodes such as “Deep Breath”, “Oxygen”, “Angels Take Manhattan”, “Time Heist”, “Face the Raven”, “Husbands of River Song”, “Thin Ice”, “Extremis”, and “The Day of the Doctor”.

Terry Molloy is a prolific British actor who has worked continuously on radio, TV, film, and stage, over the past “fifty-plus” years. He is best known in the world of Doctor Who for portraying Davros on screen and in the Big Finish audio adventures.

They have been added to our guest lineup on the site and will soon be added to our auto and photo ticket sale options!

On a sad note, yesterday we had to announce that Jane Slavin won't be joining us at Chicago TARDIS 2021 due to work commitments. Because Jane was a Big Finish guest whose autographs and photographs were being sold on-site, this does not impact any current auto or photo sales.

Coming later this week - Meet and Greet info and our Call for Panelists. Be on the lookout!

Chicago TARDIS